Monday, April 27, 2009

WOW, was not aware that existed.....

Ok, I have to admit that when I first read the topic of this week, I thought, hmmm, second life, what is second life?? The readings shock me a little bit. I had no idea the whole real, 3D, animated virtual world existed. I researched some more you tube videos and was surprised even more.

The whole idea of imagining and building anything you want seems to be great. As an individual, I can set up what I look like (not that I am not satisfied with my looks), and I can experiment in a some-real world like environments any thing I want. I can also setup places and designs and would only be limited by my imagination. I can even meet more people online to build my social network! What I wonder is why would I want to do that? I understand that some stores like Apple and Adidas would use it to get to the mass that is on second life, as a marketing tool but it would be interesting to see if there's a way to track the actual benefits these companies are having from using second life.

While writing this blog I read Carolyn's post, and thought well, I don't think I will be using it or sigining up for it. I mean what is the advantage of using second life? Is it something I really want to sink in? Instead of going virutally and wasting my time with this, can I be doing something more productive. The topic suddenly brought back the discussion from least week whether the internet is making us dump? I was so against the idea, but now I am not too sure. Are people running away from reality into a virtual world and is this going to affect the way people interact on a regular basis?

I guess as with anything new, only time will tell. What do you think?

Image from